Friday, April 15, 2011

Comment on Me!

What are some creative processes that we have in common?  Please comment below!


  1. Hallo Jane! I see that we both have six siblings. Were you the youngest in your family?, because if you were that would be another thing that we would have in common! Sadly, me and my brother Carl were the only surviving children.

  2. Oh Jane! I forgot to say this going along with my first description. We also share a thing for romance. Although we express our romance in a different way, I think it expresses itself quite nicely, don't you think?

  3. Greetings, Sir Mozart! Indeed we both acquire six siblings, although I am not the youngest. I have a younger sister named Cassandra, whom I love so much. In every sense, she is my best friend. When we were just born, we were sent to live under the care of a nurse in a foster home, and when we were old enough we were returned to our parents. Do not mistake this practice for cruelty because it is simply just how things were. So my older brother George, who had a disability, was sent to live with another family and participated very little in family life. But nevertheless, I had six siblings.
    While your choice of romantic expression is through your palatable music, mine is through literature. Your style praises and illustrates the voice of love and its affairs. I simply recall the situations, occurrences, and affairs of love and romance. My literature is a journey for the reader to experience the truth of its predicament. Your music is nevertheless a journey in its own sense, but a more free-willed experience. That is a respectable responsibility to acquire.

  4. Hallo Jane. I think your would be surpised at how much we have in common. For one thing we both are artists. We have different art forms as I mentioned before but we are aritsts non the less. We both choose a life of adventure, the live any art brings to its beholder. You mentioned a brother you had, George I believe was his name, he had a disabitily. You may be surprized that I too had a sibling with a disabitily. It was such a shame, he isn't even mentioned in many of our family records because my parents were so ashamed. Another thing we have in common is that you have emotions. You may think I am beeing obvious with this comment but you would be surprized at how many of theese futeristic "blogs" where the artist did not share with anyone the emotion that ran behind his art. You verry clearly showed us the emotion that drives you. Best of luck with your writing and music career.

  5. As for your brother, Chopin, I send sincere sympathy in his recognition. To have that of a sibling in which you hardly interact with them is most upsetting. To pour ones emotions into their work is the first step into success. It does seem as if many artists of our era lack the capability to at least express their motivation and inspiration when speaking of their work. Luckily artists such as ourselves are capable of freedom of expression.

  6. It seems to me that we grew up very diffrently and dont really have too much in common. One thing we definiately share is our artist abilty. We are both are very creative and are able to express our fellings through art. Which is alays a good thing! Oh! I forgeot one thing! We both are very successful artist in the Revolutionary Era!
