Friday, April 15, 2011

Comment on Me!2

What are some some differences between ourselves?  Please post below!


  1. Well, me and you are two different people! I love that your books and romance stories are so wonderful but I prefer music. Music and I have a type a bond that no one can imagine. I no that Pride and Prejudice was a LONG novel but it was very well written. Growing up as a country girl in Hampshire, England, must of been hard to get noticed. It wasnt that hard for me. Once I started to play violin and piano, I knew that I had a gift. You too have a gift. A gift of writing. And that is all that matters!

  2. I appreciate your flattery. Perhaps it might've been hard to get noticed, but the majority of my insignificance in my time was my own choice. I wrote anonymously so I could live a typical "country girl" life. I did not want much in society and just the meager notion of my writing being published was enough for me. Indeed you have a gift, Mister Mozart. I hope you shall continue to embrace your abilities but never let pride or arrogance, such as my novel Pride and Prejudice, the "LONG" novel illustrates, get the better of you.

  3. Well me and you differ on many levels. For instance YOu are a writer and I am an composer! Although that is a rather shallow observation, it shows a lot about our personalities and how they differ. For instance, this difference shows how we express ourselfs in different ways. You choose to use words while I use the piano keys. Another difference we have is our veiws on public recognition. I read in a interwiew with you that you don't like the public praising your work, that you even wrote some peices without putting your name on them. I however, think that when the public praises an author it means their work has touched them. One more difference I noticed between us is our upbringing. I was raised in a modest little cottage on the outskirts of poland while you are a "county girl from Hampshire, England". This upbringing is most likely the main reason for our conflicting views on life and recognition.

  4. I think the most obvious main diffrence between you and I, is that you are a writer and i am a violinst/composer. I think that another thing that made our lives so diffrent is the way that we got to where we are at. I don't want to say that ypu seemed to have it easy or with not as much pressure. But i think that you did. You had your father to motivate you and to push you through. I never really had any one that was like a father figure to me that was willing to try to push me on and show me the best way to things. With you you always seemed to have a leader or a motivater and that was somthing that i always lacked.

  5. On the contrary, Emidy, I merely had those who supported my efforts. I would not consider them motivators or leaders, nor did they really act as my inspiration. So I would have to disagree with you on those terms, however I express my sympathy in regards to you lacking "leaders and motivators".
